Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stocks - Yes or No?

Okay... another random post! What are your thoughts on the Stock Market these days? With everything be so volatile these days, would you think that now would be a good time to buy? Or is better to just watch the situation and see what happens?

If you were to buy stocks in todays market, what kind of stocks would you think would give you the best return? Utilities? Medical? Technology?

My husband & I have been watching the market for the past year or so to see what the trends are and have seen some very interesting things happen in the past few months. So I thought that I would see what others think about how things are going.


Desomniac said...

Buffet says its a good time to buy. I'd say that renewable technology is a promising investment.

Anonymous said...

hi doris its ashley --- i'd buy now as the stocks are pretty low & you can get more for your money. however, you'll have to leave it for at least 10-15 years in order to get a return. the stocks can return anywhere from 8-15% with some of the high risk stocks returning close to 20%. but i'd stay away from them. You'l want to invest in some diversified mutual investments as well as anything that consumers need regrdless of the economy such as pharmacueticals, or things like johnson & johnson (for hygiene products)or energy. another area would be on the horizon developments such as renewable energy or pharmacuetical r&d. i would start with something you feel is pretty steady & that you feel confident in. also government bonds are doing pretty well. But on the flip side you can get just as good rate with a 12 year bond or a money market through your local bank. that way if you were to need your money it would be more liquid than in the stock & you won't have to worry about wheteher you are gonna loose money or not. i'm not sure that helps or not. can you tell i have a business degree?