Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rebecca Jeanne

Rebecca & Jake.
My Beautiful Daughter, Rebecca was born on July 7th @ 1:54 AM, in Seattle, Washington.

I have to admit that I would have been a bit disappointed had she not been a girl! I was so hoping for baby girl... I wanted to have a little girl so that I could have the same relationship with her that I do with my mother. My mother & I have always had a very good relationship and are still friends today.

However, I forgot to take in consideration a couple of things...
One ~ Rebecca is not me & Two ~ I am not my mother!!

We had our moments when she was little where I thought... this is exactly what I planned. We will be BFF!! Then the teenage years hit! Our family was going through a lot at that time, her dad & I were newly divorced & there was a lot of chaos in our lives. Thank goodness we got through those years of turmoil. :o)

My daughter called me one day and said the words that I thought that I would never hear... "Mom, I just wanted to let you know that I don't blame you entirely for the divorce anymore" Wow! I can't even begin to describe how that felt. She has always been her "Daddy's Little Girl", which I completely understand and support since I am too. Unfortunately that also meant that my little girl had grown up and knew things that I hoped she never would.

Ah well... I guess we all have to grow up sometime. Luckily she was planning her wedding during this time and we had so many fun things to talk about. We spent hours on the phone and even more hours on The Knot (a website for brides)... looking at dresses for her, dresses for me and all of the fun stuff that goes into planning a wedding. We had a great time. Then came her wedding day. She was such a beautiful bride! There were a few times that I was bit nervous, but not because my baby girl had grown up and was getting married. It was more to do with all of the tension between her parents and their parents! It was a bit akward, but we all made it through with flying colors. : )

Each day that goes by we grow closer, I am so blessed to have such a lovely daughter. It makes all those years of turmoil just disappear, and we know that each year will just get better.

I am so excited that she will be coming down to spend Mother's Day with me this year. I used to dread Mother's Day and now it is one of the Happiest days of the year. : )

Rebecca ~ Thank you for being the perfect daughter.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Fabulous Kids

I will be posting a series of blogs this week about my three Fabulous Kids! The are ~ Rebecca (the oldest), Adam (my middle child), and Jeremy (by youngest).

They are all at different stages in their lives and I am so proud of each of one of them. It is funny to think that I got 3 opposites!! I didn't know that was possible until I had kids. And while each of my children are completely different, they each have a very special place in my heart.

I remember as a kid always wanting to grow up and have children of my own. It may have a lot to do with the fact that my baby brother was born when I was 9 and since he has downs syndrome he stayed a baby a lot longer than normal kids. It was so much fun to take care of him. I was always the little girl that had a baby doll with her and took great care of her. : )

Stay tuned... the next post will be about my Lovely Daughter Rebecca.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Times are Tough!!

Just to give you a little update, I am extremely happy to say that "Yes, I am still employed"!

However, my wonderful hubby Mike, works for the State! You would think that since he works for DES and they are seriously short handed right now that he would be very busy. Unfortunately, as a computer programmer he is one of the people that got a 10% decrease in pay this year!! Then, he was told that he would get to take 8 mandatory furlow days between now and June... basically another 8 days without pay!! Yikes... what's up with that??

So, in an effort to keep our income still coming in - Mike has been selling a few guitars on eBay. I have sold some Antique porcelain & am now getting ready to start building more inventory on my jewelry so that I can post some of that as well.

Well that is my update for today! :o)
Have a great day, All.

You thought I forgot how to do this didn't You??

Oh My Gosh!! It has been forever since I have even had 5 minutes to think about posting anything on here.

I am still not too happy about all those silly speed cameras... it's like they are all of a sudden taking over the freeways! The biggest problem that I have with them is not that they are there, but that so many people forget they are there until the last minute and instead of checking their speed - they just slam on the breaks!! They are just an accident waiting to happen.

My thoughts are... since we all know that they don't take your picture until you are going 11 miles over the speed limit - then just set your cruise control for 7 over!! That way of your speedometer is off a little you have a bit of a cushion! Hehehe