Thursday, October 23, 2008


I seem to be having a tough time with our government offices this week. At work I need to get a Police report for an accident involving one of our employees.

Well... I call to request the report only to find out that they do not take requests over the phone! I either have to mail in my request with a check for $5.00! Or I have to go in to the Police Department and fill out the form to request the report and pay my $5.00!!

Apparently this city does not give out police reports at the time of the incident so if one is needed for any reason (including Workers Comp.), you have to pay the "Adminstration Fee". Hmmmm... I am an Administrator! A thought just occured to me... I will take in my $5.00 to pay their fee, along with an invoice for my time and trouble for $10.00!! Hope I don't get thrown in jail!! :o)

1 comment:

DorisMouse said...

Well... I made it back from the Police Dept. without landing myself in jail. Apparently they have no sense of humor... they didn't appreciate my invoice for my time.

Now I get to wait for them to process it and should have a copy of it in 7 - 10 business days!!

I think I need to get a job there... my boss expects things done quickly - usually the same day.

I did find out that the reason they do not give out "free" incident reports for auto accidents is that "there is no such thing as an accident! It is actually a collision." OMG! Now I know why they sit behind the is way to hard to reach through and strangle them for stupidity that way!! Hehehe