Thursday, October 30, 2008

And it begins!!

Well, they officially starting turning on the freeway traffic cams today. They should all be on by the end of the weekend. So if you are out and about driving on the Maricopa County freeways... Smile!! You just might be getting your picture taken.

My plan... just set my cruise control for 5 miles over (just in case my speedometer is off a bit!), and try to be a good little citizen!! Now we shall see if I can actually execute the plan! Hehehe : )

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stocks - Yes or No?

Okay... another random post! What are your thoughts on the Stock Market these days? With everything be so volatile these days, would you think that now would be a good time to buy? Or is better to just watch the situation and see what happens?

If you were to buy stocks in todays market, what kind of stocks would you think would give you the best return? Utilities? Medical? Technology?

My husband & I have been watching the market for the past year or so to see what the trends are and have seen some very interesting things happen in the past few months. So I thought that I would see what others think about how things are going.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

They're Everywhere!!

I noticed on my way home from the church this morning that there are now two photo radar cames on the 101 freeway between my home and the church. Not to mention the four "Red Light Cams" that are on the intersections between the freeway and the church.

I do like the Red Light cams... statistically Arizona has the most red light runners in the country!! Yikes! Apparently they don't understand the meaning of the yellow light around here. I have had times when I see the light turn yellow just as I enter the intersection and there will be six people behind me that still blow right through the intersection!! It amazed me every time.

I also find it surprising that so many people are still doing 70 - 80 on the freeways with all the radar cams out there. I have slowed down ... I really don't want my picture sent me to on a weekly basis, just so that I can get where I need to go 30 seconds faster! Hehehe But I still see people zipping past me like I am standing still. I guess they like having their pics taken!

Yes... I have come to the realization that I really am a conformist! Wow!! When did that happen? LOL

Friday, October 24, 2008

They're Watching!

Okay... so I am on my way to work this morning and I notice that there are MORE traffic cams going up along Interstate 10! They seem to be popping up everywhere.

I mentioned to my wonderful hubby that I was not too happy that I was being forced to change my driving habits! His comment was "Well, at least they are doing to everyone and not just you." Then he mentions how it is also going to help me to get better gas mileage and save money by having to fill up less often. What a smart man I married! (I have used the term smart in reference to him before - but I seem to remember it just being the beginning of the comment! hehehe)

So... I decided that instead of driving 75 all the way to work this morning, I would try toning it down a bit. I set my cruise at 63 (Wow... did that seem slow!!), and you know what? I got to work in the same amount of time as I normally do when I am trying to drive 75!! Since it seems like you can never do a constant 75, you have to slow down to 50 and wait until you get around all the other slow people just to zoom back up to 75, then catch up to another group of slow pokes!!

This morning was much more relaxing! And since the photo radar is set to go off at 10 miles per hour over the speed limit I am working on changing now before they start taking my picture everyday! :>)

Then another thought occured to me... I get that this is really going to help to cut down on some of the traffic accidents since it will make all of us become more responsible by driving the speed limit. Speed Limit... and here I always thought that was just a suggestion!! Hehehe

I have come to the realization that there is nothing that I can do to change this situation (my therapist would be so proud of me!), so I will make the most of it. I will enjoy the fact that I will now get better gas mileage and save money. : ) That is always a good thing.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I seem to be having a tough time with our government offices this week. At work I need to get a Police report for an accident involving one of our employees.

Well... I call to request the report only to find out that they do not take requests over the phone! I either have to mail in my request with a check for $5.00! Or I have to go in to the Police Department and fill out the form to request the report and pay my $5.00!!

Apparently this city does not give out police reports at the time of the incident so if one is needed for any reason (including Workers Comp.), you have to pay the "Adminstration Fee". Hmmmm... I am an Administrator! A thought just occured to me... I will take in my $5.00 to pay their fee, along with an invoice for my time and trouble for $10.00!! Hope I don't get thrown in jail!! :o)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Traffic Cams

Well, this may be a bit random...

For those of you in the Phoenix area you will completely understand this one. What do you think of all the Traffic Cameras that popping up all over our roads? It seems to me like our government has found a way to generate a LOT of revenue without having to add people to the police force.

Now maybe they are thinking that our Police Officers should be used for more important tasks like violent crime. But I really think that the "Ticket in the Mail" is so very unpersonal!! : ) Granted, I have not had a ticket recently, but I do have to admit that the last one I got was from photo radar! Oops!

Let me know your thoughts...

Monday, October 20, 2008

My First Attempt

Here is my first attempt at blogging. I would be very interesting in hearing from others who are into making Chain Maille jewelry. I have really had a lot of fun at it, and am always interested in learning more.