Thursday, December 11, 2008

Those Damn Cameras!!

Okay - those stupid photo radar camera's have popped up all over the freeways in Phoenix! What is up with that?? The biggest problem that I am seeing right now is that they don't really get people to slow down until the last minute. About 300 yards before the camera's you can bet there will be a massive slow down... everyone slams on their brakes at the same time hoping to avoid being captured on film!

Plus, I saw on the news that the pilots flying into Sky Harbor Airport are having a difficult time landing when they keep getting seeing all the flashes from the camera's. So the state decides to spend MORE money and put covers over them to help keep them from blinding the pilots!! They were also saying that most of the $$$ coming in from the tickets go to pay for the camera's, film and processing!! Very nice!

It really wouldn't be so bad if everyone just kept to the same the speed... most of the freeways are 65 miles per hour anyway... who needs to go faster than that?? Well... besides me!!

And to top it all off ~ My wonderful Hubby got me a Home Depot NASCAR Racing jacket!! He said that it was not because I am a NASCAR fan (good thing, since I'm really not one!), but that it is because I spend all my time racing around back & forth to work (Home Depot At-Home Services)!! What a goofball! But that's okay... I still love him anyway!! Hehehe :o)

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