Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jeremy Munson

Okay, now for my youngest child. I have to admit Jeremy is the toughest of my children to write about. I have a very special place in my heart for him. I think it comes from knowing that he would be my last baby. He was the most beautiful baby ever born!! Yeah... I know, all mom's say that.

Jeremy was my accident prone child. He was born emergency C-section since he had his cord wrapped around his neck and pulling on it with his left hand! That being said he came out perfect. : ) He had is first set of stitches at 2 years old and it just went on from there!! He almost ran over his sister, but lucky for her there was a six foot plum tree in the way. This picture was taken just shortly after his first driving adventure... he looks so sweet here. But looks can be deceiving! Hehehe He is actually very sweet, but also a bit mischievious! At the age of 7 he actually managed to run over his brother! Thank God for guardian angels... Adam ended up with just a cracked pelvis. : ) (Oh, by the way... Jeremy either rides the bus or his bike... no driving for him! LOL)

When Jeremy turned 12 his dad & I got him a 21 speed bike that resulted in 36 stitches!! Yes... my little accident looking for a place to happen. I can't even count how many stitches he has had overall. I know that his guardian angels were working overtime! And I am so thankful that they were.

Jeremy is now 25 and just as sweet as ever. He has had a lot of difficulties to deal with in his young life. Thankfully, he has mostly grown out of his accident prone stage. : ) There is still a special place in my heart for my baby boy, (yes, I know that I may take a little heat for that comment!).

Jeremy is very creative, he has done some drawings that are terrific and tried his hand at digital art. I was blown away by his creativity with our digital art programs... he gets his creativity from both of his parents... his dad is an architectural designer & painter, and his mother expresses her creativity through her jewelry designs and graphic artwork.

It is kind of strange to think of the three kids and realize that I have 3 opposites! : ) I always thought that was something that you would only have with two... however, each one of my children are special in their own way. I have been so blessed to have them in my life.

Here is a more current pic of my wonderful son ~ Jeremy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cant say I'm a fan of being about to google search Jeremy Munson and find my story and pictures... I am i much more private person than that.